

  Voice Of Psalmist (詩篇作者の声)は、アーティスト名でありプロジェクト名です。





 V.O.P.代表 島村 和哲 (シマムラ カズノリ)



Dear listeners,

‘Voice Of Psalmist’ is the name of the artist and the project. It represents my desire that we want to be the voice which gives all the glory to the Lord, like John The Baptist said, ‘I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said.’

Beginning with this CD, we are going to release songs which the Lord gave me to the world. My prayer is that these songs become one of triggers for the churches to wake up, rise up and become one accord, so that the kingdom of God spread and take hold the world.

You can download the original musical scores from the homepage for free. The performances on this CD became a little bit different from the original score. But I think it’s good to change songs in better ways. What matters is that the mind of the Lord reaches to the listeners and that the play and the song become praise to the Lord. We need to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. From the beginning our prayer was that we can move faithfully according to the plans of the Lord.

Thanks to the people who have been supported us and who would listen to this music. Shalom!

The representative of VOP  Kazunori Shimamura